how to book

The quartet works in the South East area, covering London and the surrounding counties.

Time / Price * 2009 2010
0 - 2 hours £480 £490
2 - 3 hours £560 £570
3 - 4 hours £640 £650

* Prices charged are for a continuous block of time from the agreed performance start to the performance completion, inclusive of any rest periods and/or breaks in the proceedings. They include travelling costs and all expenses. We believe these prices to be extremely competitive for a quartet of this quality and established reputation.


Please email to check availability for your chosen date. We can then discuss times, location and any specific requirements you may have such as special requests or arrangements.

Deposit & Payment

A non-refundable deposit (by cheque) is required after confirmation of the booking. On the day of the event the balance of the payment is required in cash on the completion of the performance.

Terms & Conditions

Please click here to view our Terms & Conditions.